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Electronic Tax Bill Delivery - Click Here to Learn More

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Go Paperless! Sign Up to Get Your Property Tax Bills Electronically

The SBC Auditor-Controller/Treasurer/Tax Collector is pleased to offer an exciting new service to property owners - Electronic Tax Bill Delivery. Stop receiving your annual property tax bills in the mail and securely receive them in your regular e-mail inbox. Go paperless today and enable us to reduce paper usage, which is friendly to the environment and cost effective.

Once you have completed the enrollment process your next annual property tax bill will be delivered to your e-mail inbox and the paper bill will stop if you so choose.

You will receive your annual property tax bills from - be sure to add this to your address book and/or change your spam filters to ensure delivery.

To prevent fraud or misuse of this service, if you change your e-mail address you will be required to complete, and submit to our office, a new enrollment form.

If we are unable to deliver your tax bill electronically, for any reason, your enrollment in this service will be automatically cancelled and paper billing will be resumed to ensure timely delivery of your annual property tax bill.

If at any time you wish to return to paper billing simply visit our website, call our office during normal business hours, or follow the instructions for disenrollment found in your original enrollment confirmation email.

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